Section 4731 of the Welfare and Institutions Code (W&I Code) allows a consumer or their representative to file a complaint against a regional center, developmental center, or provider if they believe a right has been abused, punitively withheld, or unreasonably denied.

The regional center director shall, within 20 working days of receiving a compliant, investigate the compliant and send a written proposed resolution to the complainant and, if applicable, to the service provider.

If the complainant is not satisfied with the proposed resolution, the complainant may refer the complaint, in writing, to the director of the State Department of Developmental Services within 15 working days of receipt of the proposed resolution.

The director of the State Department of Developmental Services shall, within 45 days of receiving a compliant, issue a written administrative decision and send a copy of the decision to the complainant, the director of the regional center, and the service provider, if applicable.

If there is no referral to the department, the proposed resolution shall become effective on the 20th working day following receipt by the complainant.

This compliant process is not for resolving disputes concerning the nature, scope, or amount of services and supports involving an individual program plan or for resolving disputes regarding rates or audit appeals. Contact the regional center to obtain information on dispute resolutions or appeal processes for these matters.

To learn more, please visit the Department’s website: