Membership of the RCOC Self Determination Local Advisory Committee consists of members chosen and appointed jointly by the State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) and the regional center.

SDLAC Members

Tina Stang, Parent

Renu Moon, Parent

April Lopez, Parent

Karen Pagano Millender, Parent

Beth Martinko, Parent

Tierney Cameron, Person Receiving RCOC Services

Santos Cline, Person Receiving RCOC Services

Kaitlynn Truong – Comfort Connection Family Resource Center

Hannah Picket, Office of Clients Rights Advocacy, Disability Rights California

Scarlett Von Thenen, Staff, State Council on Developmental Disabilities

Jennifer Montanez, RCOC Director of Case Management

Crystal Chavez, RCOC Self-Determination Program Coordinator

Tina Blabagno, RCOC Participant Choice Specialist

Evelyn Pinto, RCOC Participant Choice Specialist

Collin Kwon, RCOC Participant Choice Specialist