You may have a new patient who has a developmental delay that may require additional services and support. We are here to provide you with resources and information to help you guide your patients and their families through the journey of connecting them to the necessary services.
Referral forms and information about how to send a patient/family member to the regional center can be found below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Intake Department at (714) 796-5354.
What is Regional Center of Orange County (RCOC)?
RCOC is one of twenty-one private non-profit agencies in California that coordinate individualized services for people with developmental disabilities that meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act, the law that governs our programs and services.
Who is eligible and qualifies for regional center services?
Regional Centers administer two separate and distinct programs for the people we serve: Lanterman Services for all children and adults found eligible under the criteria and Federal Early Start Program for children ages 0-3.
Lanterman Services
According to state law, a person is eligible for Lanterman Services if all of the following criteria are met:
- The person has a disability due to intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, autism, epilepsy, or a condition requiring treatment similar to that for people with intellectual disability.
- The disability began before the age of 18.
- The disability is likely to continue indefinitely.
- The disability is substantially handicapping for the individual.
Early Start
RCOC also coordinates the Early Start Program which provides early intervention services for children under age 3 who have one of the following:
- Significant developmental delay.
- Established risk conditions expected to result in significant developmental problems.
- High risk of having a substantial developmental disability due to a combination of risk
Early Start Standardized Information Packet
The Early Start Information Packet provides an overview of the regional center system for individuals seeking services offered under the California Early Intervention Services Act (California Government code section 95000-95004). Additionally, the information packet provides a resource guide for individual and their families on person-served rights, contact information for their local regional center, the Department Office of Clients’ Rights Advocate and the protection and advocacy agency (W&I Code sections 4900-4906). For additional information, visit the DDS website.
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Services Available
Some of the services offered to eligible individuals may include but are not limited to service coordination, early intervention services, respite, behavioral health services, support groups, residential care, and adult day programs.
RCOC may purchase medical, diagnostic, and assessment services when there is a need to clarify the person’s developmental disability. Additionally, RCOC may supplement or fund medical or dental services if these services are not available through another generic resource and the need is related to the developmental disability.
Comfort Connection Family Resource Center connects families of children with special needs to community resources and support, free of charge.
Healthcare Provider Referrals
If you have a patient who fits any of the above criteria, please complete the referral form below and ask the patient or the patient’s parent to contact RCOC’s Intake and Assessment Unit at 714-796-5354 for an initial assessment to determine eligibility for services.
Healthcare Provider Referral Form
Fax Number (714) 796-5200